Clean Home. Clean Planet.

We treat our homes with love, care and kindness.
It’s time we treat our planet the same way.

Every year, humans produce 300 millions tons of plastic. Half of that is
single-use plastics with no where to go but our oceans, our wildlife,
and our bodies. It’s time for a change,
and change starts at home.

Kind & Klean is part of a global movement seeking to end single-use plastics.
Cleaning our homes should not be at the expense of our planet’s health,
nor our own – so we pledged to develop a healthier, kinder option.

Let’s end single-use plastics together!


Being kinder and kleaner is simple:

Our bottles are made to be purchased once.
All you need to do is fill them with water,
drop in the tablet, and watch it dissolve.
Our cleaning tablets use non-toxic ingredients,
so you can rest easy knowing they are good for
both the planet and your family.
True sustainability includes economic sustainability
– so we made sure that buying our tablets actually
saves you money in the long term.

Join the movement and start making kinder
choices for the planet.

 Letter from the Founder

 Growing up, most of us learn about sustainability through the
lens of single-step actions, such as recycling.

However, we know by now that sustainability is much more than that.
It is a system and cycle of behavior made of daily choices – whether that
means purchasing locally to support your community, or rethinking the
products that we are exposing our bodies today everyday.

Working in both the design and commercial retail industry, I can’t help
but think in terms of design solutions and human behavior.
KIND & KLEAN is just the first in a series of initiatives that we hope will
help all of us be more conscious about what we are putting into our homes,
our earth, and our bodies.

Long-term, positive change begins with small daily steps.

When framed this way, sustainable living feels not only possible, but practical
and within reach. That is our ultimate goal – to empower you to make choices
that feel good for you, and the world we all share.

Let’s be kinder together!
Banan Yaquby


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